
Load django-real-content in your template.

{% load drc %}

random title

show random title

{% drc_title %}

show random title using h3 html tag

{% drc_title 'h3' %}

show random title using span html tag and with additional css class

{% drc_title 'span' css_class='custom_css_class' %}

show random title using h3 html tag with additional css class and language explicitly set (if you don’t set language explicitly, tag will use language setting from your django project’s settings)

{% drc_title 'h3' css_class='custom_css_class' language='si' %}

random paragraphs

show 1 random paragraph

{% drc_paragraphs %}

show 3 random paragraphs

{% drc_paragraphs 3 %}

show 1 random paragraph with additional css class

{% drc_paragraphs css_class='custom_css_class' %}

show 3 random paragraphs with additional css class

{% drc_paragraphs 3 css_class='custom_css_class' %}

show 3 random paragraphs with additional css class and language explicitly set (if you don’t set language explicitly, tag will use language setting from your django project’s settings)

{% drc_paragraphs 3 css_class='custom_css_class' language='si' %}

random image

show random image from

{% drc_image %}

show random image from which dimensions are 420x360

{% drc_image 420 360 %}

show random image from which dimensions are 420x360 in category “cats” and grayscale

{% drc_image 420 360 category='cats' gray=True %}

show random image from which dimensions are 420x360 in category “cats”, grayscale and with additional css class

{% drc_image 420 360 category='sports' gray=True css_class='custom_css_class' %}

random number

show a random number (it’s minimum and maximum values are set in DRC_NUMBER_START and DRC_NUMBER_END settings)

{% drc_number %}

show a random number between 1 and 100

{% drc_number 1 100 %}